Sunday, October 10, 2010

The start 2 a healthier ME!!!! yay!

OK so 2day I am SUPER happy that I finally just didn't make an excuse and I got my lazy butt outta the house to go exercise. It felt so good to do it. I definitely need to make this a habit. Along with eating more healthier. But I'm gonna take baby steps and just start with working out and drinking more h2o. I have an android phone T-Mobile which has tons of FREE applications. I got the Cardio Trainer app and let me just say IT IS AWESOME!!!! This app keeps track of the time you started and ended, distance, calories burned, google map of your route, speed, average pace, average speed, minimum speed, maximum speed and the date. It also lets you share your results with FaceBook and upload your stats onto your google account. I can't say enough about this app. It has definitely kept me motivated today. Did I mention that you get to see all these stats for FREE?? LOL  The makers of this app, Work Smart Labs, has a few other very helpful and useful apps pertaining to staying fit and leading a healthier life style which cost a few bucks.

I will definitely try to keep my blog more updated. I have been and I am busy with my babies, school, maintaining my household and of course trying to fit some "ME" time into my everyday life. I hope you will continue to follow. 

Thank you for reading! Stop by often and don't forget to leave me comments, ideas and words of wisdom. Please subscribe if you haven't already!


  1. Aww remember that time we went to the gym...was it more than 1x. lol, but yeah girl you can do anything you put your mind to. Keep up the good work. I know when you work out, you work out hard!!! ZUMBA ZUMBA ZUMBA sounds so much fun right bout now. I need to def. hit up the gym after I give birth.

  2. haha yea i remember..Awe i miss being in Hawaii with you Bestie!!!
