Sunday, October 10, 2010

The start 2 a healthier ME!!!! yay!

OK so 2day I am SUPER happy that I finally just didn't make an excuse and I got my lazy butt outta the house to go exercise. It felt so good to do it. I definitely need to make this a habit. Along with eating more healthier. But I'm gonna take baby steps and just start with working out and drinking more h2o. I have an android phone T-Mobile which has tons of FREE applications. I got the Cardio Trainer app and let me just say IT IS AWESOME!!!! This app keeps track of the time you started and ended, distance, calories burned, google map of your route, speed, average pace, average speed, minimum speed, maximum speed and the date. It also lets you share your results with FaceBook and upload your stats onto your google account. I can't say enough about this app. It has definitely kept me motivated today. Did I mention that you get to see all these stats for FREE?? LOL  The makers of this app, Work Smart Labs, has a few other very helpful and useful apps pertaining to staying fit and leading a healthier life style which cost a few bucks.

I will definitely try to keep my blog more updated. I have been and I am busy with my babies, school, maintaining my household and of course trying to fit some "ME" time into my everyday life. I hope you will continue to follow. 

Thank you for reading! Stop by often and don't forget to leave me comments, ideas and words of wisdom. Please subscribe if you haven't already!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Chocolate Nut Clusters


This recipe is soooo QUICK and EASY!

Chocolate Nut Clusters
3/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips (add more or less...depending on how much you  
 want to make)
3 tbs peanut butter (the original recipe called for peanut butter chips, I didn't have any    
so  I had to improvise)
1 cup nuts ( I used peanuts, almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, hazelnuts & pecans)

1. Combine chocolate chips and peanut butter in top of double boiler. 
I do not have a glass bowl so I just used a glass pie pan.

2. Stir frequently over low to medium heat until melted; add nuts and stir.

3. Drop by teaspoonful on parchment paper. ( I once again had to improvise, I just buttered a cookie sheet because I didn't have parchment paper.) Place in the refridgerator to cool.

EnJOY!!!! They came out soo DELISH!!! It seriously did not take long to make! It took me longer to write this blog then it did to make the nut clusters. lol Hope you enjoy making these and don't forget to comment and SUBSCRIBE!!! 

Thanks for reading!

Apple Dumplings

OK so since the Fall weather has finally kicked in and it has been a lot cooler I thought I would start the season off with these DELICIOUS warm delights! I know its not the classic apple pie but it sure is close and it is easily edible for those days when your on-the-go and would love to sit down to enjoy it but just don't have the time. 
Crust or Dumpling 

2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp salt
2/3 cup shortening
8 tbs cold water

 In a bowl, combine flour and salt: cut in shortening until crumbly.


Gradually add water tossing with fork until dough forms a ball. 
Set the ball of dough aside or in the refridgerator.

Apple Filling

4 apples
1/2 cup sugar
3 tbs butter
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tbs lemon juice


1. Core and pare apples, place apples in a bowl. Pour lemon juice over apples to prevent them from   
2. Melt butter and pour over apples then sprinkle the sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg over the apples and mix
     and mix until evenly distributed.

Now, roll out the dough and cut out 7 inch squares. Place a few apple slices in the middle of the dough. Fold one corner over to the opposite corner to form a triangle. Pinch the edges together to seal up the apple dumpling. Continue to roll dumplings until you run out of filling or dough. Place the finished dumplings in a baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until the crust is golden.

EnJOY!!!! This is the finished product!! Top it off with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and it is so so YUMMY! I actually liked the way it tasted the next day. I had it without ice cream and it tasted so much better for some reason. lol I dont know why but maybe I'm just weird like that but sometimes some foods just taste better the next day. lol

I hope that you enjoy this dessert and be sure to leave a comment letting me know if you did like it or not. Suggestions are always welcomed. Thanks for reading! Oh yes, dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!!!!! 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall is HERE...mmm...PUMPKIN SPICE!!!!

OMg fall is FINALLY HERE! I love FALL! I cant get enough of this cool weather. I also cant get enough of this PUMPKIN SPICE CAPPUCCINO!!! It is so DELISH! Luckily I was able to get my fix for the day. My wonderful husband brought one home for ME! Brownie points for HIM! LOL

Whats your drink of the season? Or maybe your everyday drink?